
A relative date library for Julia

This is a project that builds around the Dates module to allow complex date arithmetic.

The aim is to provide a standard toolset to allow you to answer questions such as when is the next Easter or what are the next 4 IMM dates from today?

Package Features

  • A generic, extendable algebra for date operations with a rich set of primitives.
  • A composable design to allow complex combinations of relative date operations.
  • An extendable parsing library to provide a language to describe relative dates.
  • An interface for integrating holiday calendar systems.


RDates can be installed using the Julia package manager. From the Julia REPL, type ] to enter the Pkg REPL mode and run

pkg> add RDates

At this point you can now start using RDates in your current Julia session using the following command

julia> using RDates

Answering Those Questions

So while the documentation will provide the details, let's see a quick start on how it works

  • When is the next Easter?
julia> rd"Next(0E,1E)" + Date(2021,7,12)
  • What are the next 4 IMM dates?
julia> d = Date(2021,7,12)
julia> collect(Iterators.take(range(d, rd"1MAR+3m+3rd WED"), 4))
4-element Vector{Date}: